
图1 基于强震动记录H/V谱比曲线的场地分类方法流程以及我国场地经验H/V谱比曲线

图2 利用聚类人工智能算法自动识别日本2018年北海道地震中强震动台站的场地线性及非线性反应
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- Kun Ji, Chuanbin Zhu, Yaghmaei-Sabegh Saman, Jianqi Lu, Yefei Ren, Ruizhi Wen. Site classification using deep-learning-based image recognition techniques. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2022, Published online.
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- Kun Ji, Yefei Ren, Ruizhi Wen, ChuanBin Zhu, Ye Liu and Baofeng Zhou. HVSR-based Site Classification Approach Using General Regression Neural Network (GRNN): Case Study for China Strong Motion Stations. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 26(16): 8423–8445.
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- Hongwei Wang, Chunguo Li, Ruizhi Wen and Yefei Ren. Integrating Effects of Source‐Dependent Factors on Sediment‐Depth Scaling of Additional Site Amplification to Ground‐Motion Prediction Equation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2022, 112(1): 400-418.
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- Kun Ji, Ruizhi Wen,Yefei Ren, Yadab P. Dhakal. Nonlinear seismic site response classification using K-means clustering algorithm: Case study of the September 6, 2018 Mw6.6 Hokkaido Iburi-Tobu earthquake, Japan. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 128, paper ID: 105907.
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- Yefei Ren, RuizhiWen, Xinxin Yao and Kun Ji. Five parameters for the evaluation of the soil nonlinearity during the Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake using the HVSR method. Earth, Planets and Space, 2017, 69, paper no. 116, 1-17.
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